Robert Hales directed Spears' first animated music video. The video was heavily inspired by Japanese anime (created in South Korea) and her "Toxic" video.
The video opens with a close-up of the animated Spears mouthing the words "it's been a while." After, a clone of Spears is shown inside a liquid cocoon. Scenes of a futuristic city illuminate the night skies and the superheroine Spears is seen on top of a skyscraper with a full moon behind.
She jumps off the building and crashes into an amber glass ceiling. She lands in an indoor water fountain and begins fighting demonic-looking men dressed in business suits. She fights the men under the surveillance of similar men in a state of the art security room.
A breach of the security system sounds and an army of men equipped with goggles, shields, and sticks attempt to attack Spears as she enters the highly secured laboratory.
She gains access and walks through aisles of clones held in liquid cocoons. She nears one of the tanks and kisses her own clone goodbye then plants a timed bomb on the tank. She jumps out of a window of the blasted building. A wide shot of the exploding building is shown and the word "Victory" is depicted on the side of the structure. The video ends with the words "to be continued".
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